The Crisis: Infant Mortality and Maternal Death in our community.

Black women and their babies are 3 - 4 times more likely to die during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

I don't view statistics to be completely accurate, but I will assume them to be close. It doesn't matter how many deaths, because one is too many. Childbirth and death are natural occurrences. Still, the numbers in America are shocking and should be raising eyebrows. There must be immediate awareness and pro-activeness. We cannot stand by and watch our mothers and children die.

This crisis is global of course and more embarrassing in the U.S. because of the medical advancements. We have several doctors, clinics and insurance plans that should yield us good health. I've had discussions on this subject with other birth professionals and we all wonder, "How can this be"? The common answer is, lack of prenatal care. While that may be true, my definitive answer is medical racism. I witness some form of abuse toward pregnant sistahs in these birthing facilities while on Doula duty all the time. The undertones and sometimes blatant mistreatment  can result in unnecessary surgeries and medical interventions. Prescription medicines and misdiagnosis.

The most common reason for maternal deaths are hemorrhaging and infection/disease. The most common reason for infant deaths are prematurity and birth defects. My solution is self - education and preventative care. Eat and rest well. Exercise daily, get sunlight and drink water. Ask questions. Get a second opinion. Reduce stress. Take advantage of a Doula during pregnancy and postpartum. When it comes to health, trust your intuition. Let's change what we have control over.

December 6, 2015 at 2:30 - 5:30pm, SUNDAY
Location - 5057 Keller Springs Rd, Addison 75001
For pregnant and postpartum women. Birth Professionals and lovers of childbirth are welcome.

 Birth Preparations. Fertility, Nutrition, Inductions, & Effective Labor Coping Techniques. How to create and maintain a sacred space. Affirmations that work.
Birth Options. Hospital, OOH Out-of-Hospital: Birthing Center, Home Birth, Free Birth, Lotus, Cesarean, & VBAC.
Post Partum. Mental Health, Breastfeeding, Baby Wearing, Self - Womb Care, and Natural Birth Control.
Must RSVP. Written Information Packets given. $15 in advance.

 TO RSVP Call 214 - 659 - 1724


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